
2023 Annual Report released

18 January 2024

The 2023 Annual Report for the Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy – It Takes a Tasmanian Village has now been released.

The 2023 Annual Report, is the second report for the Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy, and includes personal stories of the impacts of actions on the wellbeing of Tasmanian children, young people and their families. It also highlights how the government is driving longer term system changes aligned with other major government reforms for children and young people.

Importantly, the report outlines how we are achieving the vision of the Strategy – that all Tasmanian children and young people have what they need to grow and thrive - by:

  • Continuing to listen to the voices of children and young people;
  • Working together in the village, across government, community and with individuals;
  • Changing the way that government works; and
  • Sharing and using data so that we know that we are making a difference.

Alongside the Annual Report, the Data Snapshot for the first 1000 days has also been updated using recent data and including some new visuals. A selection of indicators from the Data Snapshot are highlighted in the Annual Report, with the full set of indicators and graphs available on the wellbeing website.

The Tasmanian government is committed to continuing to listen and act upon the voices of children and young people, and to work collaboratively with our community partners, as we move into the third year of implementation for the Strategy.