
Consultation Launched

19 January 2021

I’m pleased to launch the consultation and co-design program for Tasmania’s first Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy for 0-25 year olds. The consultation period runs from 19 January - 19 March 2021.

As a father of two young people, like all parents, I want the best for my children. I want to support their hopes and dreams for their future – and the hopes and dreams of all young Tasmanians.

As Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence, I want to hear how we can help all Tasmanian children to be loved and safe.

As Minister for Climate Change, I want your views on the importance of the environment to children, young people and future generations and I want to know how children and young people can be active participants in addressing climate concern for young Tasmanians.

As Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence, I want to hear how we can help all Tasmanian children to be loved and safe.

As Premier, I know this year has been hard for many of you and I want to ensure we can address the impacts of COVID-19 for children and young people and set up our state to respond to the challenges that lie ahead.

Your voice is important. I encourage you to have your say on this website.

I look forward to hearing your views and developing a strategy together for a bright future for all Tasmanians.

Thank you to our consultation partners the Commissioner for Children and Young People, the Youth Network of Tasmania, the Mental Health Council of Tasmania and Playgroup Tasmania as well as the Child Health Association of Tasmania and Tasmanian School Canteen Association for a great launch event.

Peter Gutwein - Premier of Tasmania