View Formal Submissions
Between January and March 2021, Tasmanians were invited to share their experiences, views and ideas on how to improve child and youth wellbeing through a formal submission in response to the Discussion Paper - Tasmania's Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy.
Submissions are published on this page where the authors have agreed to them being made public.
By publishing submissions, the Tasmanian Government expresses no opinion as to the content or accuracy of any of the submissions or other materials to which the submissions may refer. The Tasmanian Government may choose not to publish all or part of a submission if it considers it inappropriate to do so.
Submissions Received
Anglicare TasmaniaPDF (2.11 MB)
Australian Association of Environmental Education TasmaniaPDF (42.31 KB)
Australian College of NursingPDF (173.54 KB)
Australian Research Alliance for Children and YouthPDF (555.04 KB)
Beacon FoundationPDF (4.00 MB)
Brave FoundationPDF (847.16 KB)
Breastfeeding Coalition TasmaniaPDF (439.49 KB)
Children and Young People with Disability Australia (Letter)PDF (240.73 KB)
Children and Young People with Disability Australia (Attachment)PDF (675.47 KB)
Colony 47 (Submission)PDF (572.05 KB)
Colony 47 (Agenda for Change)PDF (3.66 MB)
Commissioner for Children and Young People TasmaniaPDF (419.49 KB)
Dr. Barnden & Dr. KilpatrickPDF (109.53 KB)
Dr. SmithPDF (786.98 KB)
Early Childhood Educators of Tasmania - SouthPDF (169.33 KB)
Eat Well TasmaniaPDF (232.08 KB)
Families TasmaniaPDF (519.15 KB)
Family Planning TasmaniaPDF (3.02 MB)
Foster and Kinship Carers Association TasmaniaPDF (159.11 KB)
Fostering HopePDF (176.74 KB)
Health Literacy & Equity Research Group (UTAS & Partners)PDF (746.27 KB)
Lady Gowrie TasmaniaPDF (169.59 KB)
Local Government Association TasmaniaPDF (120.53 KB)
Marinda - The Amazing Brain ProgramPDF (257.70 KB)
Neighbourhood Houses TasmaniaPDF (7.93 MB)
Northern Children's NetworkPDF (596.31 KB)
Northern Early Years GroupPDF (117.59 KB)
Outbush On CountryPDF (1.90 MB)
Submitted and Supported by: Adventure Works Australia, Blue Marble Consulting, Dooloomai, JLD Restorative Practices, Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre, Tassie Bound Adventure Tours, Michael, Paul, Kellie & Jacqueline
Peter Underwood CentrePDF (6.33 MB)
Playgroup TasmaniaPDF (4.37 MB)
Rascal Robot ArtPDF (76.62 KB)
Rosalie MartinPDF (99.48 KB)
Save the ChildrenPDF (1.33 MB)
Sexual Assault Support ServicePDF (360.99 KB)
Square Pegs Dyslexia Support and AdvocacyPDF (436.33 KB)
The Smith FamilyPDF (532.10 KB)
Tasmanian #100percentliteracy Alliance (Submission)PDF (316.00 KB)
Tasmanian #100percentliteracy Alliance (Roadmap)PDF (880.97 KB)
Tasmanian Council of Social Service (TasCOSS)PDF (5.12 MB)
Tasmanian School Canteen AssociationPDF (246.36 KB)
Taylored EventzPDF (840.50 KB)
Trauma Awareness Network TasmaniaPDF (114.54 KB)
Triple P InternationalPDF (2.63 MB)
Volunteering TasmaniaPDF (3.00 MB)
Working it OutPDF (690.54 KB)
Youth Law AustraliaPDF (800.23 KB)
Youth Network of TasmaniaPDF (458.98 KB)