
Launch of Little Tasmanian program

3 March 2023

Today the Premier, Jeremy Rockliff, launched the Little Tasmanian program at the Launceston Library.

The launch was full of fun activities for children and families with the highlight being a book reading and sing along with Luca Brasi band member, Tyler Richardson who was accompanied by Ben Richardson who provided Auslan for babies and toddlers.

The Little Tasmanian program is an initiative of Brand Tasmania, in collaboration with its partners, and funded through the Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy - It Takes a Tasmanian Village.

From 1 January 2023, families with babies born in Tasmania will receive a Little Tasmanian library bag through their Child Health and Parenting Service nurse which will contain a Little Tasmanian board book, Tasmanian romper, educational magnets and a library card voucher.

The program will connect parents and carers with relevant information about the first 1,000 days, encourage reading from the earliest days and build a sense of pride, confidence and aspiration in our youngest Tasmanians by showcasing stories from inspirational Tasmanians.

Further information on the program is available at