
Sure Start Interagency Care Team Model Up and Running

3 June 2024

The Tasmanian Government is committed to making sure that children and young people in care have the best opportunity to overcome challenges and achieve their goals.

To help achieve this, government agencies who provide critical services to children and young people in care are working together to reduce barriers and provide a coordinated system of support.

Student with books

A 12-month pilot of the Interagency Care Team Model (the Model) is underway to deliver priority access to critical government services and supports for children and young people in care. The Model will also allow the Government to address the needs of children and young people who require intensive support from time to time.

Under the Model, a Secretaries Board Care Team Subcommittee (SBCT) and Interagency Directors’ Care Team (IDCT) have been established, to review complex case referrals received from relevant agencies and consider how to best resource and resolve them.

Represented agencies include the Department for Education, Children and Young People, Department of Premier and Cabinet, Department of Justice, Department of Health, Department of Police, Fire and Emergency Management, and Homes Tasmania.

The Model is an action within DECYP’s Sure Start Action Plan 2024 and a key priority under the whole of government Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy: It Takes a Tasmanian Village (2021), building on the work of Strong Families Safe Kids: Next Steps Action Plan (2021-2023).

To find out more about the Model and the work being done as part of the Sure Start Initiative to make a positive difference in the lives of children and young people in care, visit DECYP’s website or contact