
Launched - 'It Takes a Tasmanian Village', Tasmania’s first Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy

22 August 2021

Today, Premier Peter Gutwein launched It Takes a Tasmanian Village – Tasmania’s first Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy for 0-25 year olds.

Speaking at the launch, which was held at the West Moonah Community House and coincided with its 30th birthday celebrations, the Premier thanked all of the children and young people who took the time to write directly to him, along with parents, carers and organisations that contributed thoughts, experiences and knowledge to the development of the Strategy.

The feedback from Tasmanian children and young people has provided the inspiration for the title of the Strategy, the overarching vision “Children and young people in Tasmania have what they need to grow and thrive”, and a set of 10 principles that will guide the Strategy’s implementation.

The Premier also recognised the important influence of a child’s parents, carers and family on wellbeing for children and young people.

“Strong families help to achieve child and youth wellbeing, which is why supporting Tasmanian families is a top priority for my Government.

My Government’s vision is for a Tasmania, that no matter where you live, your background or your circumstances, opportunities will be there and if you want to grasp those opportunities, a better life will be within your reach.

The Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy is another step toward that vision.

Through the It Takes a Tasmanian Village Strategy, my Government is committing over $100 million across four years to improve the wellbeing of Tasmania’s children and young people, with an additional $45.2 million to fully fund our fundamental shift in the delivery of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services.”

The Strategy builds on many existing government initiatives that support parents, families and communities and provides new investments to strengthen the important role that parents and caregivers provide, especially in the critical early years from pregnancy to two years old.