Children and young people in Tasmania told us what we are doing well and what we need to do differently to support their wellbeing. We listened and acted on what we heard.
Our first Annual Report showcases personal stories and highlights activity and achievements that have occurred over the first 12 months of the Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy - It Takes a Tasmanian Village. The report also shows how we are changing the way that government works, by working more collaboratively and implementing longer term system changes.
The government is committed to continuing to listen and act upon the voices of children and young people, and to work collaboratively with our community partners, as we implement the actions in the Strategy.
Alongside the report we have also developed a Data Snapshot which provides an overview of selected data for Tasmanian children in the first 1,000 days and includes a data sharing platform with linkages to relevant datasets.
For further information and to see how we are improving wellbeing outcomes for Tasmanian children and young people, download a full copy of the Annual Report or watch our animated video version of the annual report "You said it, we did it..." which is designed to be accessible for children and young people.